Memories of school Educational trips are among the most prominent of the formative years, largely because they are a welcome break in the routine for both students and teachers. While their purpose is essentially to educate, they can also be a fun bonding experience for everyone involved. |
Reinforcement |
The trip can reinforce what a teacher has been instructing in class about a subject and help students understand the topic better. |
Engagement |
- Teachers turn trips into mobile classrooms, instructing students to collect data, then quizzing them or assigning a project based on what they learned during the outing.
Socialization |
Taking students into a new environment gives them the experience of traveling in a group and teaches them to be respectful of the locations they visit. |
Exposure |
- Kids get to visit a place to which they have never been before. This can be particularly advantageous to students who are less fortunate and don't have the opportunity to travel.
Curiosity |
Students who go on Educational trips find that they want to learn more about the subjects on which the trip focused. |
Retention |
The type of memories that Educational trips create, called “episodic memories,” helps children retain information for longer periods. |
What Is the Importance of Educational trips? |
Educational trips are important in many ways.
Going on a Educational trip means more than simply leaving the school grounds. Educational trips should always have a major educational element, but the impact of Educational trips can extend much further. The importance of Educational trips includes giving students the chance to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience new environments and enjoy a day away from the classroom |
New Sights |
When students and teachers are together outside the classroom, new educational environments and experiences are possible. Students may have the opportunity to observe many things that are not available at school, including exotic wildlife, rare plants and maybe even the stars if the Educational trip is to a planetarium. Discussing the Educational trip beforehand is wise because it allows students to know what they will experience during their time away from school |
Bonding |
Getting away from the everyday atmosphere of the classroom gives students an opportunity to spend time with each other in a new environment. They may be able to connect on more of a personal level without the structure of the normal school day. Students may be able to spend much of the Educational trip day in small groups, observing, chatting and learning about each other. Having a Educational trip in the early part of the term is wise, since it will allow students to bond with classmates they may not know very well. |
Informal Learning Environment |
Educational trips provide valuable educational opportunities away from the classroom, without using textbooks and other tools used in a normal school setting. Students on Educational trips can often learn while having fun in a more informal environment. If the Educational trip destination has staff members who do hands-on teaching with visiting students -- such as at a science center or historical museum -- the children will be excited to learn from someone new |
Fun |
- No matter how much students learn during a Educational trip, their favorite memories may be based on their enjoyment of the day. Getting away from school for a day or even half a day is always exciting for students, and Educational trips are always highly anticipated. Students will have fun with their friends and they also may return to the classroom with a renewed focus on their schoolwork.
How Do Students Benefit From Educational trips? |
Educational trips can give students exposure to places they might not otherwise visit.
Many schools, camps and institutions offer Educational trips for students to spend several hours or days outside of the classroom. Educational trips range from local visits to civic offices or businesses to international excursions, complete with overnight stays. Whatever their scope, Educational trips can offer many advantages to the students who take them. |
Perspective |
Part of how students benefit from Educational trips is by gaining new perspectives on the world. This is especially true for more extensive Educational trips where students travel farther away from home. By coming into direct contact with a different environment or even a new culture or language, students can better understand their place in the community and develop an openness to differences in others. |
Variety |
Educational trips also function to put some variety into otherwise regimented lesson plans. Instead of spending every day in the classroom, students get to learn in a new environment with new instructors. Educational trips also may give students a chance to interact with students from other schools as they learn together or participate in group activities |
Learning Styles |
Educational trips will often cater to more than one learning style, making them excellent teaching tools for certain students. Classroom lectures apply primarily to audio learners, who learn best by listening. Visual learners can benefit from visual aids, which exist in the classroom, but are much more frequent during a Educational trip. Finally, for tactile learners, Educational trips offer an uncommon opportunity to perform hands-on learning. |
Classroom Supplement |
It's important for instructors and school administrators to choose Educational trips that augment existing lesson plans and synchronize with classroom learning. A Educational trip that teachers choose for these reasons can serve to illustrate difficult concepts or extend the general natural of a classroom lesson by giving more specific information. The specialists who lead school groups on Educational trips also may be able to provide professional insight from advanced study or direct experience that teachers could never provide alone. |
Reward |
Before a Educational trip even takes place, it can begin to produce benefits for students. By not allowing students with behavioral or academic problems to participate in a Educational trip, teachers can encourage good behavior and motivate students to work hard with the prospect of a Educational trip looming as a reward. Even the most informative Educational trips usually have an element of recreation, making them a time to unwind for all students. |
Why Teachers Should Go on Educational trips? |
Why Teachers Should Go on Educational trips
Educational trips are educational experiences that allow students to apply their lessons to the real world. These trips tend to be the most memorable moments of a student's career. |
Educational and Relaxing |
Students are more likely to learn on a Educational trip because their minds are relaxed. They aren't worried about the competitive classroom setting. |
Break from the Routine |
Students see Educational trips as extended play time. If you find that you are approaching a topic that drains on your students, consider applying a relevant Educational trip to make the topic more enjoyable. |
Learn Something New |
There are facts that aren't included in the textbooks that are fascinating to know. Many experts can share knowledge to further the learning process about your topic. |
Teaches Professionalism |
Teachers expect students to be on their best behavior during Educational trips. This is a way to teach students how to act properly and show their manners in a professional setting. |
Enhanced Sense of Community |
If your Educational trip is to a local destination, students will gain a better understanding about their community. This sometimes boosts the students' interest in being an active citizen to help preserve what makes the community special. |
Creates an Interest in New Professions |
Educational trips usually involve a tour director or representative who leads the group. These representatives can give students insight into the careers that are available for those who are interested in that particular topic. |
The Advantages of Educational trips? |
Visiting the Historical places, watching wild life or asking a NASA Scientists about space travel are all possibilities for Educational trip excursions that are stimulating and educational. One issue that is reducing Educational trip opportunities is a lack of financial resources. Classrooms that are faced with budget restrictions should consider fund-raising programs or ask one of their school's local business partners to donate a portion of the funds. Consider a tour of a local factory, restaurant or bank that would require only transportation and meal costs to create an affordable Educational trip and valuable community relations between businesses and students. |
Real-World Experience |
Educational trips provide an opportunity for total immersion in the natural environment and social setting. On such excursions, the student practices his social skills and critical thinking abilities outside of the controlled class setting. Being able to ask experts about their particular area of study on the spot requires thinking. He is able to learn real-world lessons. |
Classroom Inspiration |
A student who sees, touches and smells historical relics, ancient artifacts and original sources of text becomes motivated to learn more in depth when he returns to the classroom. Educational trips stimulate learning beyond what textbooks and videos can provide to the learning environment. This is not to say that all Educational trips are equally stimulating, but those excursions that are well-designed result in higher levels of academic achievement in every subject of study. He is learning in an informal setting when on a Educational trip that is directed by professionally trained staff, such as at a museum or science center. This allows all participants to learn without realizing it, which reaches more students from various learning backgrounds and styles. |
Connection to Community |
For low-income students or students who are new to the school, Educational trips that take advantage of local resources promote community connectivity. For example, a student may not ever have the opportunity to visit a local park or bank, which are important resources within a community for both the student and his family. Students from non-English-speaking families or who have recently moved to the community get the chance to learn about the local area with the guidance of their school, as well as share the information with their family when they return home. |
Educational Trip Guidelines? |
On any Educational trip, the safety of students is by far the most important consideration. Follow guidelines to minimize the chances of a Educational trip disaster. |
Permission Slips |
Hand out permission slips at least a month before the date of the trip. To avoid having to hound your students until the last minute, consider offering a class reward such as extra recess time if all permission slips come back at least a week before the trip. |
Parent Chaperones |
Send home a notice to parents explaining the educational objectives of your trip and requesting volunteers |
Assign Numbers to Your Students |
If you have a large group of students, consider assigning each student a number at the beginning of the trip. Then, instead of checking off an attendance list or making a head count, you can ask students to call out their numbers in order in rapid fashion. |